taming studio 100's

Just got my studio 100's and am using it with audioquest type +6 cables, which are bi-wired. Connected to an Odyssey Stratos amp. The speaker is a bit brighter in my living room than anticipated. Have a large throw rug and bare floors otherwise. Any suggestions for new speaker cables so that I could tame the brightness? Speakers were dealer demos so they should otherwise be broken in. Also, would appreciate any input as far as subwoofer settings for my paradigm pw-2200. Subwoofer is next to left speaker. Living room is 16X25. Speakers are 7ft apart and listening space is about 14-15ft away. Any input would be appreciated.
I would be interested in above post suggesting mods for studio 100s,has anyone done this?If so what were the results,,
I have found that audioquest doesnt mate well with my Studio 100s. Very harsh and grainy highs. I would suggest demoing a pair of Kimber Bifocals.

I've modded crossovers in 2 pairs of Studio 100s, and a pair of Studio 40v2s. I've done this with about 50 pairs of speakers, so I don't remember the actual component values. But it's not too tough if you're comfortable with soldering.
I have studio 100 V.3's with the Rel Storm 3 sub bass unit and Odyssey Stratos Extreme Monoblocks. At the risk of initiating controversy, I will meekly recommend that you consider trying Dakiom Feedback stabilizers. The crossover in my system was always "correct", but the stabilizers really did tame the high end, without sacrificing detail, in my opinion. At FIRST, when i added the newer 2nd generation 203's to each block, there did seem to be a slight drop in detail on the high end but with greater smoothness. Overall I prefered the stabilizers--way more bass slam. After playing the unit with stabilizers on for several weeks, did another A/B and found no appreciable loss in detail, just overall improvement in the sound.

The odyssey mono's don't use much negative feedback according to Klaus (who i call and pester periodically with questions--a very patient man he is), but the stabilizers still seem to help. The Dakiom people claim that break in doesn't really occur, and they seem to think it's really just a psychoacoustic phenomenon, but I'm not so sure.

This is far an away the best system I've ever owned, but I still feel that the high end could be smoother, and may upgrade the system with DAC, Tempest extreme preamp, and different speakers eventually.

Note that I am the author of the original (bombastic ?) Dakiom review, where a B&K ST140 was the amplifier. Very nice, but huge improvement with the Odyssey Extremes.