Has anyone had experience with the Schroeder Arm

In a high res setup has anyone been able to compare this arm to the top pivoting competition.I think that the fact that the pivot is magnetic as opposedto a bearing like a unipivot(needing damping) should on paper be less resonant and maybe sound better.I currently own,and,am happy with a Graham 2.2,but the idea of a true frictionless bearing (all bearings have some degree of friction)really could make a real difference in a good setup.I'm not interested at the moment in straight line trackers with air bearings (although I love some of them)due to the hassle of external pumps and tubing runs.
Since you mention CLD, would you share your impressions regarding complementary materials when considering building a DIY armboard. Or a plinth, for that matter. Thanks
Hi Doug,
Thanks for your kind words. I'd like to point out though that the bearing is just one(albeit an important one) element of the arm. Since vou can't depend on dissipating energy via the arm's base you need to deal with it further up the line. Let's say I was to use ceramic, titanium, steel or similar material for the armwand(tried all that and then some...) you'd be getting a VERY pronounced sonic "character". The counterweight, how it is coupled to the armstub, the mounting plate and it's variable coupling to the armwand allow you to accomodate different cartridge's vibration output without sacrificing dynamic shading or PRAT.
Ahh, my host just got me a nice drink(thanks Steve!) so excuse me for a while.


Just a quick one...
The thread/string material is the same on the Ref.and No.2 arms. The No.1 arm has been discontinued(well, still available on special request...)

best regards,

Dear Raul,
First of all, you're bragging about your knowledge of music. And your examples might impress a school kid, but please, spare me the obvious.
Secondly, you might try to understand why your posts create such emotions: laughter, boredom...
Thirdly, the number of homes alowing for quality reproduction of the sub octave is minute. Musically satisfying components for real world homes and wallets don't have to be able to reproduce the stated bandwith. But maybe you were just bragging again?
Fourth: Understand all the weak points in your arguments...
Fifth: Have the maturity to admit at being wrong at times.
Sixth: I'm surrounded by Reference frames, heck, I build them(pardon the cheap joke ;-).
Seventh: I prefer to go to concerts with an attendance greater than 1
Eighth: Doesn't that conflict with your previous statement , number five?
Ninth: You're stating the obvious again.

Your statements on bearing friction made clear that you don't know what you're talking about, no need to go any further. If you haven't heard one of my arms in your own system, then any statement like "it isn't in another league" has no foundation whatsoever. Go and listen for yourself, then come back and report.
Thomas Heisig has never heard the Reference arm under meaningful conditions, his experience is a very limited one too, but it shure must feel nice not to be alone ...
That's all folks , no need to waste anymore bandwidth.


Frank, can we burn a wee more band width to include your impressions of CLD materials? :-)

As an aside, to those perhaps on the fence, I heard the Reference awhile back at a local dealer and recommeded it highly in a few posts, in fact, stating that it would be my arm of first-choice. Trouble is, I can't afford one.....:-(