Dear Raul,
First of all, you're bragging about your knowledge of music. And your examples might impress a school kid, but please, spare me the obvious.
Secondly, you might try to understand why your posts create such emotions: laughter, boredom...
Thirdly, the number of homes alowing for quality reproduction of the sub octave is minute. Musically satisfying components for real world homes and wallets don't have to be able to reproduce the stated bandwith. But maybe you were just bragging again?
Fourth: Understand all the weak points in your arguments...
Fifth: Have the maturity to admit at being wrong at times.
Sixth: I'm surrounded by Reference frames, heck, I build them(pardon the cheap joke ;-).
Seventh: I prefer to go to concerts with an attendance greater than 1
Eighth: Doesn't that conflict with your previous statement , number five?
Ninth: You're stating the obvious again.
Your statements on bearing friction made clear that you don't know what you're talking about, no need to go any further. If you haven't heard one of my arms in your own system, then any statement like "it isn't in another league" has no foundation whatsoever. Go and listen for yourself, then come back and report.
Thomas Heisig has never heard the Reference arm under meaningful conditions, his experience is a very limited one too, but it shure must feel nice not to be alone ...
That's all folks , no need to waste anymore bandwidth.
First of all, you're bragging about your knowledge of music. And your examples might impress a school kid, but please, spare me the obvious.
Secondly, you might try to understand why your posts create such emotions: laughter, boredom...
Thirdly, the number of homes alowing for quality reproduction of the sub octave is minute. Musically satisfying components for real world homes and wallets don't have to be able to reproduce the stated bandwith. But maybe you were just bragging again?
Fourth: Understand all the weak points in your arguments...
Fifth: Have the maturity to admit at being wrong at times.
Sixth: I'm surrounded by Reference frames, heck, I build them(pardon the cheap joke ;-).
Seventh: I prefer to go to concerts with an attendance greater than 1
Eighth: Doesn't that conflict with your previous statement , number five?
Ninth: You're stating the obvious again.
Your statements on bearing friction made clear that you don't know what you're talking about, no need to go any further. If you haven't heard one of my arms in your own system, then any statement like "it isn't in another league" has no foundation whatsoever. Go and listen for yourself, then come back and report.
Thomas Heisig has never heard the Reference arm under meaningful conditions, his experience is a very limited one too, but it shure must feel nice not to be alone ...
That's all folks , no need to waste anymore bandwidth.