FranK: ¡ Eureka !. Someone ( a very kind man ), somewhere: it already send me his Schroeder tonearm, it is on the road.
Now I can test in my system.
Only for your records: I already has benchmarks in differents areas for a tonearm and for a tonearm/cartridge combos: we test ( do measurements ) scientific and subjective on: vibrations, resonance, energy disipation, traking, other parameters and general operation. We try with different test records like: TRS 1005, QR-2010, DIN 45 549,etc... and with different music records. We do tests at 33,45 an 78rpm records, in stereo and mono. We tests in normal condition ( example: with the ideal cartridge ), with in the limits and beyond the limits. We test with MM and MC cartridges some ones very dificult to handle for a tonearm, examples: weight cartridge 18grs and 6cu on compliance, weight of 12grs and 20cu on compliance, cartridges ranging from an ideal VTF of 0.7grs to 3.0grs.
We listen to some records where we were in the recording session. We use some tools like: Spectra Lab, Dynamic Mass analizer and some other Sound devices. We have an international lab certification and a very experienced subjective test team that don't have any influence eachother when we are testing any item.
Yes, it will be very interesting and a very educational experience.
BTW, yes I agree with you that it is not and easy task to have a full range system at home, but that is the Target.
Regards and always enjoy the music.
Now I can test in my system.
Only for your records: I already has benchmarks in differents areas for a tonearm and for a tonearm/cartridge combos: we test ( do measurements ) scientific and subjective on: vibrations, resonance, energy disipation, traking, other parameters and general operation. We try with different test records like: TRS 1005, QR-2010, DIN 45 549,etc... and with different music records. We do tests at 33,45 an 78rpm records, in stereo and mono. We tests in normal condition ( example: with the ideal cartridge ), with in the limits and beyond the limits. We test with MM and MC cartridges some ones very dificult to handle for a tonearm, examples: weight cartridge 18grs and 6cu on compliance, weight of 12grs and 20cu on compliance, cartridges ranging from an ideal VTF of 0.7grs to 3.0grs.
We listen to some records where we were in the recording session. We use some tools like: Spectra Lab, Dynamic Mass analizer and some other Sound devices. We have an international lab certification and a very experienced subjective test team that don't have any influence eachother when we are testing any item.
Yes, it will be very interesting and a very educational experience.
BTW, yes I agree with you that it is not and easy task to have a full range system at home, but that is the Target.
Regards and always enjoy the music.