tube preamps

Looking for the following tube preamp:
1-take off top end brightness of Krell SS processor & Pass Labs amp
2- well known for midrange sweetness
2-remote controlled
3-slim profile, nothing as large as, say, Audio Research
Footnote - Yes, I realize the best preamp is no preamp, but this is what I'm looking for!
I recommend a Conrad Johnson Premier 17ls you should have no problem finding one within your budget, or 16ls (used) if you can stretch a bit; both have remote. Bigkdz makes a good point Pass Labs are not known for brightness. I have found them to be very smooth and warm almost, dare I say it, tube like. Keep in mind the pre-amp is the life blood of your system as I have found it to be a greater contributor to great sound than the amplifier or front end (digital).

The CJ preamps would be my first choice, but they are fairly neutral, just a tad warm. If you really want to tame an edgy or hot amp, try a Sunfire Classic Tube Preamp.
McIntosh C2200, which retails for 4500$, but shoud already be on Audiogon or e-bay, and which otherwise fills all your requirements
Geez, that's easy. Look for a product known as Sellthekrell, works every time for removing that annoying harshness!!!