Best Cd Player For Around 3000


I need some expert Advice Regarding purchasing a used
Cd player from around $3000. My front end consist of ML 331
B&W 802 and Proceed AvpS. What would be the Best Cd
player for the Bang.

You could find a used ML No 39 for around that. I used to have ML 33, No 39, and Nautilus 802s - sounded very nice.
2nd the #39. Good match with your amp. Also Wadia 850, or Muse 9 signature. Muse also gives you DVD.
Absolutely - go for the Electrocompaniet EMC-1 with the 24/192 upgrade. There are quite a few available on audiogon right now - and it's about the best CD player available today at any price.
I have some similar stuff, a Proceed AVP and B&W N804s. I use a Meridian 508.24 for CD. If you can find one used I highly recommend it.
I second Bwhite with the EMC-1 24/192, search this forum and you'll know what were talking about. The player seems to do everything right. Happy Hunting.