Thanks, Audioengr. Can anyone add to BWhite's initial comments on a parallel thread re resonance-damping?... i.e.,
use of fillers to isolate/absorb/quench electro-mechanical stuff (60 or 120Hz?...higher?) thought to be functional here.
Furutech yells about non-magnetic materials, and even grounds the steel clamp-screws in their IEC, while a cable manufacturer or two fills their stuff with steel grit or even magnets (!), and obviously totally opposite approach!
I'm experimenting with high-density NON-ferrous dampers as a moderate-cost methodology to address these purported nasties. Could I be just creating a low-pass filter rather than further cleaning up the noise-floor?? Thanks for the input. Ern
use of fillers to isolate/absorb/quench electro-mechanical stuff (60 or 120Hz?...higher?) thought to be functional here.
Furutech yells about non-magnetic materials, and even grounds the steel clamp-screws in their IEC, while a cable manufacturer or two fills their stuff with steel grit or even magnets (!), and obviously totally opposite approach!
I'm experimenting with high-density NON-ferrous dampers as a moderate-cost methodology to address these purported nasties. Could I be just creating a low-pass filter rather than further cleaning up the noise-floor?? Thanks for the input. Ern