Re-terminate a Nordost SPM reference interconnect

Hi, my name is Andrea, live in Venice, Italy.
I necessity to re-terminate a pair of Nordost SPM ref. interconnect 3 m.. Is difficult or easy?
If you have a good piece of advice..........
Please let me know.
Thank you.
Nordost charges an arm and a leg to reterminate their cables. However, they swear that they are the only ones who can do it and not have any signal loss. Heh heh...

Yes, and Nordost charges $80 PER TERMINATION! You will probably be better off swapping it for a correctly-terminated pair. (PS I'm in need of a SINGLE 3m and SINGLE 6m XLR, if your 3m is balanced).
Buono Anno (sp?).
I'm not familiar working with the SPM, but I bought some bare Quattro Fil here and found it to be a straightforward cable to terminate. The ribbon construction of the SPM may make it more difficult, but since the cable is already terminated you may be able to take it apart, desolder, and then resolder to your new plugs taking care to maintain proper orientation.

I'd be more than happy to take a look at them for you if you'll spring for airfare! :)