Digital Interconnects

What is your favorite digital I/C ?? Thanx in advance
Been through a LOT of these things. Te Omega Mikro digitals have incredible speed, clarity, and amazing PRaT. When you get to the Ebony Twin tube level things just get silly good. The Nite digital is a great cable too and much friendlier on the bank account. I posted a review just recently on it so I will let you go there if youwant more info about this cable. It's world class though, that's for sure.The Kharma Grand Reference has the most amazing sound stage you will ever hear and pretty good throughout the spectrum, but maybe not as transparent as the Ebony and my God is it costly at $2,000 per one meter and the size of the darn thing will scare you to death as it is bigger than the BMI Whale power cords and weighs so much I had to suspend it from the ceiling when I had it here to keep my little Bel Canto DAC from being flopped off the rack. Siltech G5 Golden Ridge was pretty good too being better than most of the Big House stuff like Harmonic Tech Magic One, AZ MC2 and such, but something about it bugged me. The HMS IL Primo has some really nice tight, fast bass and the top end is very extended but the midrange just didn't have the magic of....well the Magic One or Siltech, Kharma, Nite, & Omega Mikro stuff.
The Marigo Audio Apparition 5.6 Signiture is the best I've heard and I bought one. It totally blows away the NBS PRO at twice the price.
I've digital IC Furukawa Gracioso, have good stage (deep and wide), very natural smooth detail sound,
I ran 5 digital IC's through my system and the Acoustic Zen MC2 AES/EBU beat them all.
AZ MC2(actually for about a year now). But I should be getting the Virtual Dynamics Nite in a few days. Can't wait to see how that goes.