which DAC to buy ?

If refinement is the first priority, which DAC would be your choice:

Dodson D-263
Kora Hermes (last version)
Audiomeca Enkianthus
Audio Aero Prima
Be certain to listen and make your own decision it is not likely a 16bit dac ,the Kora, can compete with a true upsampling dac with floating point 32/192 resolution.We would invite anyone to bring one to our offices and do a blind test on our reference system with the audiomeca.
Piega c-40
Audio tekne preamp
Tenor amps
Audio tekne line and cd treatment, copulare stands
mephisto transport
8 30 amp breakers
Piega speaker cable
As a matter of fact we invite someone at our expense,plane ticket, room, and 3 meals to bring the latest Kora with them and do a blind test.Customers only no dealers.Will you accept this challange?Call 15407211076
I would like to add that you may bring your owm music and we would also offer some of our discs we know to show the sonic traits we find important.
Whomever accepts this invatation may also help design the evaluation process.Our dac would be completly factory production and whatever modifications you want to do to your dac are acceptable.Let's listen to some tunes.
The Kora Hermes must be giving the Audiomeca product a run for it's money or I doubt you would have seen such a challenge from a product that costs over twice as much. look at the preferences from above threads. Part of the story is in the power supply. The Kora uses two Toroidal transformers. Look inside the Audiomeca.
Well, I tried the Kora in my system and I have to say that my Audiomeca Keops sounded better by itself. I believe that the DAC in the Keops is identical with the Ambrosia DAC which is a step below Enkianthus. I haven't heard the Enkianthus, but if is as good as the DAC in my Keops player, then I'd say go for it!
Was that the 24/192 Hermes or the older 18 bit? We have had many customers compare to the Enkinanthus and prefer the Kora. Different strokes for different folks I guess.