Help me discover some new music...

Hi, Gang,

My rig is finally at a level that I don't feel a great need to invest in new gear. Rather, I'm looking for new music to discover. I feel like I'm listening to a lot of the "same old stuff."

I listen to mostly rock and pop, with a little orchestral/soundtrack music thrown in and a bit of jazz, too.

Here's what I know and love:

Steely Dan (including Becker and Fagen solo efforts)
James Taylor
Dire Straits
Bonnie Raitt
Paul Simon
Some classical Chesky LP's
Joe Jackson
Ingrid Michaelson
Blood, Sweat and Tears
Earth Wind and Fire

,,, and a lot of other things I'm not thinking of right now.

Anybody want to be my "Pandora" and suggest things I should check out? Great music is primary, but great sonics also appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
The music scene is in a dismal state these days. Not a lot of talent, but a lot of copy cats and celeb wannabees making tons of money being 'famous'. Most would not have lasted 5 minutes in the 60s / 70s. So, don't expect too much. I have been listening for decades, and I still listen to the "same old stuff", because nothing has come along that's better or even interesting. I now live off reissues, remasters and sacd remakes. The fact that the Rolling Stones are still around, and popular, speaks volumes.
Your tastes may be different, but whatever the genre, it ain't what it used to be. Classical Music excepted. Good Luck
Rok2kid , the only thing dismal is your attitude. You are so wrong. So keep your ba humbug attitude , and keep listening to the same old crap. I really pity closed minded people.
There is tons of great music coming out everyday, but you will never enjoy it , because you are negative.
Certainly , don't discourage others who yearn to seek out great new music, to adopt your ridiculous notion that there is no great new music.
I have to agree with Toddnkaya that there really is a lot of great new music out there. The only issue is that so many people listen to the same old stuff or bad pop music, the great new artists don't get any radio play. I listen to NPR and my local public radio station because they're the ones spinning the great new artists. Try listening to Mountain Stage or World Cafe. I actually think things are getting better, not worse. You just need to know where to look. NPR Music is a great app if you have an iPhone.

you are off to a great start. I find much new music listening to NPR.
Did you read the OP's list? I am familiar with everyone he listed, except possibly, Ingrid Michaelson. Love them all. But, most of these people are done, or pretty much done. So the question is, where and who are their replacements? The NEW Stones? Motown? Blues? Elvis? Dylan? Miles? The fact is, that was a golden age that has ended. I, and some of you, were lucky to have been at the right age during that era. But it's over folks.

NOW, if the OP likes the current stuff, then he is a lucky man. He has something to look forward to. I only have maybe a new greatest recording of some Beethoven or Brahms etc.... Or maybe a new release in SACD.
Maybe someone will find a long lost Monk tape. Maybe Sonny Rollins gets a new burst of creativity. Maybe!