Zaikesman, some years ago, when I had my system plugged straight into the wall, I had an unfortunate experience where a transient on the AC line locked up my CD player, sending a huge noise pulse through my system. I had to turn the system off and back on to restore operation. Although neither my system nor my ears were damaged, I didn't want to risk that happening again, so I started using a Tripplite LC1200 line conditioner. As I gradually upgraded my system (CD player, preamp, power amp, speakers, interconnects), I became increasingly suspicious about the effect the Tripplite was having on the sound, and I starting researching other PLC's.
The problem was that I wanted a unit that could accomodate my entire system, including my power amp, and that eliminated the Power Plants -- there was too much dissipation, and they are expensive for the amount of useful power that you get. Then I heard about the ExactPower unit, and the fundamental difference in approach between the Power Plants and the ExactPower: the Power Plants regenerate the AC waveform, and output it to the system, whereas the ExactPower does a real-time comparison between the incoming AC waveform and an internal sine-wave reference, and adds an instantaneous correction to the incoming AC before outputting it to the system. The result is that the Power Plant power dissipation is based on the output voltage times the current, while the ExactPower dissipation is based on the voltage difference between input and output times the current. This means dramatically lower power dissipation with the ExactPower.
This convinced me to give the ExactPower a try, and the result was a sound that was much smoother and more coherent compared to what I now recognized as the "rawness" I heard with the Tripplite. I did try some listening without the ExactPower (straight into the wall), and there was a smaller difference, but it still favored the ExactPower -- the sound was a touch smoother and more musical. In our neighborhood, the AC line is subject to frequent disturbances -- whenever our next-door neighbor's air conditioning turns on, the lights in our house dim momentarily! The fact that the ExactPower protects my system from this stuff without degrading the sound makes it worthwhile for me!
I hope I've answered your question.
Good listening!