Does copper migrate through silver?

Today I removed my ACME silver plated cryo receptacle from more than 20 days' burn in through my refrigerator. I noticed the silver was more 'orange' in color, as if copper had mixed with it. Is this possible or just an optical illusion?
Of course silver oxidizes at room temperature. We don't polish it before a festive meal just for the heck of it, eh? And the black residue on our hands isn't sulphur, either. (Imagine if your silverware smelled like rotten eggs?!)
If ACMe's using 200microns (quite thick) then I doubt that you've burned through it with contact-sparking each time the fridge's compressor kicks on, nor worn it off from abrasion. But orange? Does sound like brass (copper)....

Maybe you should smell the ACME. Eggs? Ha!
The smell you refer to is not sulphur--it's hydrogen sulphide. It usually occurs during *anaerobic* decomposition conditions. Not in this case, though.

Lak, I'm glad you enjoyed my system. I've worked very hard at reaching my goal: "A near field system capable of successfully playing any recording of any musical genre regardless of its recording quality."

You added the *looks* aspect and yes, I want my system and surrounding space to look nice--it's a reflection of my personality.
Subaruguru. Why should silver sulphide (tarnish) have a similar smell to hydrogen sulphide ? Are you suggesting that all sulphur compounds smell the same? Have you ever smelled sulphuric acid? Doesn't smell much like hydrogen sulphide. Tarnish is silver sulphide.
It was common for babies in England to receive a silver egg cup for their christening. The joke is that silverware is completely inappropriate for use with boiled eggs since the eggs contain sulphur and therefore tarnish the silver extremely rapidly. Try breaking a soft boiled egg on a silver plate sometime and see what happens.
Eggs have sulphur. The human body is mainly H2O. Sulphur(s)+ H2O(l) = H2S (gas). No wonder I can't eat eggs!!!