Transparent Audio cables


Any oppinions about Transparent cables?
I'm particularly interrested in the MusicWave Plus Biwire cables and mating interconnects.

I'd shop around...I own ML+ ICs and I like the way they sound, but I think as good can be had from other manufactures for less. If you are buying used, I'd prolly say try em out as they will be more priced like they should be. I admit to not having extensive experience with the elite Transparent, but from what little I had I wasn't impressed.
Let's hope his rock has become too heavy to lift! I am not against anyone voicing their opinion but he was over-the-top.
I have not tired Transparent but a friend of mine swears my MIT cables sound identical. I have yet to compare for myself. If this is true however, go for them David!
I have Transparent MusicWave Plus speaker cables in my main system and really enjoy them a lot. I moved up a few months ago from MusicWave to the pluses and found that there was a more open and dynamic sound with the plus. Also, I have noted that my bass now goes a bit deeper and seems to be tighter and more focused than with the other cables.
Do be aware that I'm only using a standard one wire setup in my system - and not bi-wiring. My electronics are McIntosh and I'm driving Thiel 3.5 speakers. Hope this information is helpful.