Is my dealer lying to me?

This past weekend I went to listen to some speakers. I've been planning to buy CD player also, but that was not this weekend's purpose.

At first we were using a YMB player, McCormick amp, and Soliloquy 5.3 speakers. The speakers is what I was auditioning.

The CD player he is trying to sell me is the Cambridge Audio D500ES, I beleive. Price:400

Big difference I know between the YMB ($2500)and the Cambridge ($400). But it wasn't $2100 in difference in sound I can tell you that. What concerns me is the difference between his comments and the perceived opinions of people on this board. In other threads, there are quite a bit of "ditch the Cambridge" comments.

The dealers comments were "best player under $2000"... "chris sold his $2500 Theta and picked this one up because it's that good, and pocketed the money"... etc.

I'm not asking if this is the best player under $2000. But how does it compare to Arcam and Rega models at $500-700?

Obvisouly, he recommends the Soliloquy 5.3 also. I liked them but wasn't as impressed as much as I thought I would be. The guy has a small shop and seems honest, but it seems this cambridge is not very well respected in this forum.

I've gotten rid of alot of my gear. What I have left to use is a Yamaha RXV-995 receiver. An amp will come, hopefully sooner than later, but I need speakers and a CD player now unless I want to continue to use my DVD player for CDs.

Any comments?
Pbb, don't assume the reason the story the dealer told you about the line he no longer carries is true. I've heard all sorts of stories about lines dealers "decided" to abandon.

I knew one retail salesman who, knowing my price range and objectives, recommended a cd player that his store did not carry. He was also honest about the merits and deficiencies of the products in his store. Only problem was, the guy could never hold a job in retail.

Oh, and speaking of retail, Gunbunny et al., sometimes a salesperson has an extra incentive (e.g., a manufacturer's spiff) to promote one line over another. Ask them when they give you the line about A brand putting all its money into those glossy ads and B brand putting more money into "the product." In reality, both brands spend as much on promotion, but A advertises more and B gives spiffs to salespeople.
a lot of folks are ditching their pricy outboard dacs in favor of a cheap ~$130 art di/o, w/cheap (~$100) mods. see the audio asylum's digital forum for a nauseating plethora of praise for this dinky thing... ;~)

in *my* system, which *is* pretty hi-resolution, imho, my modded di/o & humble nad 5-disc cd-changer is *far* better than either a $1800 alchemist nexus or $3k resolution audio cd-50.

ymmv, doug s.

Natalie: The Chicago Audio Society's reference source is a $89 Aiwa CD Changer. So much for spending a lot of money on quality. See for yourself at
aiwa, huh? i was looking at the possibility of a cheap transport upgrade - after this cheap di/o i got made such an improvement, why not take it to the next level? ;~)

doug s.

I've just run into something similar while looking for speakers on the various audio sites. A respondent told me that my Cambridge Audio D500-SE was nowhere near up to the task as regards to the speakers I was considering (Vanderteen 3a sigs, Theil 3.6, Von Sweikert VR4 GenII, B&W Matrix 802 S-3, Snell C/V, etc.) He said he wouldn't match this low of a quality cd player with speakers with a retail list price of $500.00 (good $500.00 speakers)
He did recommend however that I could get a pair of Mission 782's ($900.00 list) and upgrade my cd player later.
Is this cd player that bad? I'm pretty new to this stuff and don't really know much about it, although I try to research all components before buying. (I bought the Cambridge on recommendations from members of this site as well as others)
What I've got so far:
Citation 7.1 amp for music
Citation 7.1 amp for movies
Adcom GTP-760 Pre/proc
Cambridge Audio D500-SE
For me this represents an effort to step up from my Denon 2801 receiver.