Recommendation for Speakers & Interconnects cables

Systems: CAT SL1 Ultimate and CAT JL2, AA Capitole MKII
CD player, Talon Khorus X MKII.

I use JENA Labs interconnects and speaker cable with Tenor 75wp, AA Capitole MK11, Talon Khorus X MK11.
I recently upgraded to the Pure Note Epsilon ic's and Audience Au24 speaker cables (sc's).

Both have been excellent upgrades.

But I found the Audience Au24 speaker cable upgrade to be quite drastic and exciting. Not to mention, the cable is thinner than your keyboard cable.

You can look at lieder Cables... They have a great line of all silver interconnects and speaker cables...

At the end of the day, it comes down to how the cables sounbd in your system...

BEst Regards