Recommendation for Speakers & Interconnects cables

Systems: CAT SL1 Ultimate and CAT JL2, AA Capitole MKII
CD player, Talon Khorus X MKII.

You can look at lieder Cables... They have a great line of all silver interconnects and speaker cables...

At the end of the day, it comes down to how the cables sounbd in your system...

BEst Regards
Did you try the Pure Note ER speaker cables with the Pure Note ER interconnects?
Lgregoir said it best. You need to hear the cables in your system. Everyone's suggestion is good in the context of their system and sonic preferences, even mine (Sonoran wire);^). But in the end, you have to be happy. Good luck.
Lak, I did not try the Pure Note speaker cables.

Lgregoir and Jcbtubes are absolutely correct. Every system will behave somewhat to much differently to a given cable.

With one amp, the Audience Au24 sc's seemed to strip away some of the dynamic punch in the bass regions. With another amp, I heard dynamic and robust punch and PR&T like I've never heard before.

But in both cases, the Au24's cleaned up a decent amount of grain and time smearing now evident in my previous cables.