Help With Template for SME 309

I'm wondering if anyone can help out my internet-challenged friend, who has asked me to post this. He's getting an SME 309 tonearm for his VPI Mark IV with a Jr. Plinth. He needs the oval template to rout out the hole for the SME 309 tonearm. Does anyone has one they could copy, or perhaps photocopy, and send to me? Alternately, if anyone knows of a website where the template can be downloaded, that would greatly appreciated. Thanks, everyone!

Best regards,
Paul Frumkin
The instruction manual for the 309 will have drilling instructions, but nobody really does that themselves.
An HW-19 IV with a Jr plinth doesn't make sense. It sounds cobbled together.? Is it a Jr. with a IV platter/bearing upgrade? 19's come with armboards drilled for what you need, SME included.
The IV requires a VPI "Super Armboard" to comp for the added height of the IV platter; this isn't part of the IV platter/bearing upgrade.
If I'm correct in my guesswork, order the Super AB from Elusive Disc, drilled for SME.

Sme's UK site is currently offline, but the US distributor is Sumiko. They can probably get you SME manuals.
Try these folks.

The cutout is the same for all of the 9" SME arms. The angle of the cutout with relation to the platter is the only difference.
Paul, I'm sure you can download a template at The Vinyl Engine website, if not for an SME for an Infinity Black Widow, which uses the same SME mount. Dave