FMJ CD 23 vs Rega Jupiter

Has any one auditioned these two players a/b?
The FMJ has better tonality and smoothness, but can't keep a beat.
The Rega dances to beat the band, but I don't remember much else, and thus can't further comment.
Take 'em home and demo! Good luck.
I don't have a FMJ,but I do own a DIVA CD-72 . I have also owned a Alpha 7 Cd Player when it was new. The sound is great,and it has become a favorite of mine,but, the uprgrade offered buy Arcam would cost $1000.00 or so. Why would you do that when you could get an MSB LINK DAC-3 for about $400.00 new. (maybe cheaper if you looked around on the web). As far as the Rega, I have a friend who owned one for a while,but he too eventually went the way of sepearate digital stuff.
I have recently A/B'd these players and in my opinion, there was no real contest. The Rega Jupiter won hands down. I found the FMJ 23 bright and uninviting. On the other hand the Rega was warm, inviting and quite detailed without being "etched." As a result of the "contest" I will be purchasing the Jupiter. Of course, your taste may vary, and you may indeed, prefer the FMJ. It happens like that sometimes.