Steve and Matt, thanks for the answers. That's what I thought. I feel that if a designer is designing cost no object products that they should put the best on or into them, however in cases like tubes or cords, maybe they should do what Steve just did and say in my system and to me, I used XYZ cord and only heard a small difference. You can try it, but if you use what I ship it with, then you will get well over 99% of what it's capable of. I get it that folks have to tinker, but I know a lot of guys who own very very high end systems, because they know how much they love music AND they know there are great stores out there to help them. They are not audiophiles and have no desire to roll tubes or play with cables or cords. I just bought a whole new system at Audio Connections. Johns on here and Matt goes there on occasion. I ended up going with him because I just wanted a system that sounded right together. He knew the cords, cables and limits of my speakers and we went from there.
The biggest take away from what I just posted is that in this thread so many of the posts are about changing what Matt is doing to 'get the most' out of something. What is the most? It's what Matt deems it to be since it's his deal. He has laid down the parameters and they seem fair considering what this is. You can chose to agree or disagree with his ear, however I find it interesting that folks keep telling him that he didn't use a product properly etc.... I know it never stops and I understand your posts and all, but at some point in time there comes a moment that you have to say I'll make my decisions based on what's sold and what I have. This thread says a lot more than just what high end DAC Matt likes. Some of you play in this league. Most of us on here probably don't. I personally would love to have any of the DAC's he's trying out. IF I were to spend that type of coin on any of these, I can promise you that I'd audition them all in my rig, like Matt is doing in his. I really hope that what he posts doesn't hurt any of the manufacturers as you are all small. There are no larger high end manufacturers anymore. You all need the business and I hope you all get it. EVen if I didn't like your products (I'm sure I'd love them), I'd still want you to be successful so the competition is still out there to keep this hobby/business strong. Thanks again to all of you and Steve, thanks for answering your questions. I know it won't happen, but it would be neat to see you use your expertise and make a more affordable DAC (I know the higher end the better the sales right now). Hope I haven't hijacked.