Dedicated power lines-getting started

Any advice please on the right questions to ask my local electrical contractor re: dedicated power lines.
I'm very interested in getting this done but I'm obviously"electrically challenged" when it comes to this stuff.
Also any feedback on estimated cost, time involved, material etc. would be greatly appreciated.
I just installed a dedicated line, and it made a HUGE difference in sound of $20K system. Really smoothed out highs and added dynamic range. Used 12ga TX cable and highest grade ($6 each) 20 amp outlets available from Home Depot, run to a 20 amp breaker. Very good return for investment.
I highly recommend you use 10/2 WG(with ground) romex and the best receptacles you can afford. The Watgates and PS Audio Power Ports are two great ones. 10/2 WG is the largest gauge solid wire and it will still fit into the above mentioned receptacles. Your electrician will think you are "crazy" and that the 10/2 is overkill. Don't let him bully you into a smaller gauge. Also if you intend to run two dedicated circuits then run three. You will wish you had run more later. Use new 20 amp breakers for your dedicated circiuts. Let us know how it works out.
I second discos suggestion. That is exactly what I used and could not be happier with the results.

Greh you really need to input a query to the forum search engine:
"dedicated line" ,, "dedicated circuit"
You'll find more information there than you know what to do with.
There are already so many posts on this subject that many of us don't even respond to this question anymore
Bob's right. Except that I'd like to add that a better cable than Romex IS an improvement. I use the 12AWG all-Teflon, shielded Belden 83802, and even twist a pair to make a 9AWG for huge amps.
Simple stuff: run at least two lines, so that you can keep digital away from analog. Use 20amp duplexes with strong contacts. The Pass&Seymour, Bubbell and Cooper spec grades are nearly identical in triple-wipe thick brass contacts and back-wire construction. I use all three. Cheap and good.
I also made heavy cast-aluminum 4 outlet floating junction boxes to terminate my 3 lines. RSVP for specific details and prices. You needn't spend lots of money here, but you do want to do some basic things correctly the FIRST time!