Should i upgrade my Meridian 508.20 to 508.24?

System:Meridian 508.20 into an Audio Research LS-3 pre-amp via audioquest diamond interconnect;ditto on the interconnect into the Plinius 100 Mk III amplifier.The Plinius feeds Magnepan 1.6 speakers via bi-wired synergistic mk ii speaker cables.Lovan equipment stand.The plinius utilizes an NBS Master II powercable;the meridian utilizes a King power cable (which is a temporary fix,i intend to purchase a Purist Colussus II).All plugged into a Monster 2000 power strip.
I have not heard the meridian 508.24.I believe the upgrade price is approximately 600.OO.Thanks for your input,i am particularly interested in hearing from anyone who has upgraded. Any suggestions on a powercord for the meridian are also welcome.
I own the 508.24 and had it into a Audio Research LS16 preamp into a Plinius SA100 MKIII running Dynaudio Contour 3.3 speakers. It sounded great. I chose the 508.24 over the Audio Research CD-2 and the Mark Levinson 39. The 508.24 is very detailed with lots of air around each instrument. I've upgraded the preamp to a Audio Research Reference 2 and the amp to a Plinius SA250 MKIV, but, I'm keeping the 508.24. I use Shunyata's Viper v.2 Power Snakes for my cords. I haven't heard the 508.20, but at the time I was looking for a cd player, other audiophiles suggested that the 508.24 was significantly better. Is there anyway you can demo a 508.24 and make the comparison for yourself?
Thank you for your prompt response.Were you able to hear,and perhaps indulge in the auditory gymnastics of an A/B comparison of a 508.20 vs. 508.24? In other words,i am interested in learning just how much is a "little better".Thanks again for your time.
A couple of Meridian 508.24 reviewers on did make the upgrade and thought it was very worthwhile.
Power cord suggestion is Stealth M-21. I have the 506.24 & am running all Stealth IC's & PC's except for one modified LAT. During my IC & PC upgrade path the Meridian just kept giving me more detail, less brightness, more air, etc., so I can only conclude that the information is available at the source & you just have to get it to you speakers.
Meridian upgraded my 508.20 to 508.24 status for free after experiencing problems with the transport. The upgrade Meridian offers includes an updated transport mechanism as well as the 24 bit dacs. To my ears the .24 represents a nice step up in performance. It is more dynamic, the presentation is more balanced relative to bass/mids/highs, mids are more open with less congestion, and there is a much better sense of pace. I still have mine, and like Rosstaman, have continued to upgrade around it. I also use a Shunyata Viper V2 on my 508.24. It sweetens the highs, increases dynamics, and sculpts a three dimensional soundstage against a black background.