LP collection management...what do you guys do?

I have a dilemma.....

My collection is quite modest compared with some other here, but the quality is usually pretty good...I think I must be about 700 or more LP's mainly classical.

I have numerous RCA shaded dogs, Mercury Living Presence, and MFSL for example, that I just dont listen to..I originally bought them because of sentimental reasons and collectability.

Now that I want to wonder into other labels like Linn, Lyrita, UK Columbia SAX, Super Analogue and Reference Recordings which are kind of expensive, I find myself spinning my wheels if I should sell most of my Living Stereo/Presence LP's to buy some other stuff...

You know when it makes good sense to sell some LP's but in the back of your mind something tells me not to...I guess its their historical value that I appreciate more..

How do you guys manage your collection? dont you feel like selling tah stuff that sits on the shelf for long periods of time?
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I actually gave my 2 cents as headcoat@hotmail, I've since joined the group. You see 10 out of 12 responses talk about databases, kinda sad. But look! now it's on topic.
MD: I regret the fact that my thread appeared so off the mark. That was not my intent. Perhaps that is a defect of having a music collection that has reached the point where I do not always recall exactly what I own or when that was last played. Couple that with daily life stuff; for me, I needed more than just recall to manage my collection. Now that I use a mgt. system that can collate , isolate/merge , etc. I have printed and computer information ,as well as, the ability to draw from industry databases that provides me with abundent options to assist with making decisions on weither to keep,discard or sell certian LPs/Cds. Since my musical tastes/tectnologies range from Edison cylinders thru to DVDs from rare 1884-09 red/blk. cylinders of irish folk songs to rare 78s of forty's swing,jazz and early rock to thousands of Lps and Cds I feel very confortable making my decisions as if it were asset management. And if you know anything about value ($$$$) you should recognize that early,mint, edision cylinders with playback machines are the "holy grail" of collecting. Music collecting and playback equipment are a foundation of my lifestyle.Cheers- Charlie
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