If someone is looking to take credit for the research and design work on these cords and the specific materials being used, i can pretty much state without hesitation that Chris is the originator of said designs and may have received a bit of help or a "few suggestions" from Steve Eddy ( and i think that Chris has stated this publicly ).
Prior to Chris talking about these specific materials for use in power cords, i don't know of anyone that had publicly used or recommended these specific Belden products for use as AC power cords. If anyone had done so, i would say that it "might" have been Jon Risch and his comments "might be" to try the Belden designs in stock form. To be quite honest, i'm not sure about that and i simply included that as i know that Jon is both a BIG fan of Belden products and of Teflon dielectric. As such, it would not have been "impossible" for him to have suggested such a use for these cables. I don't think that Chris has anything to hide and would give credit where credit is due. That is, IF Jon had come up with the idea or helped him out in any way.
With that in mind, the "modified" Belden designs, as far as i know, are the intellectual properties of Chris. Whether or not Chris can claim any type of legal or proprietary rights to these designs is another story. I do know that using someone else's name to sell a product that you make or market would be considered an endorsement and probably require some type of contract to do so. I don't know if Ernie has ever actually labeled these as "parts kits for Chris VH's cables" though.
Having said that, i have mentioned these cords on a few occasions and done so stating that they work in a very positive manner. In doing so, i have included links to Chris' website AND on a few occassions, mentioned that Ernie was selling parts / kits to make these or very similar cords. I never meant to infer that that these were Ernie's designs, only that he did have access to parts for such designs and was offering them in kit form and making them available to the public.
Out of all of this, all i can say is that Chris, Jon Risch and Bob Crump have been VERY kind and helpful by sharing their designs and making them public knowledge. All three have done so without asking for ANY type of compensation for the R&D ( which can eat up a LOT of time, labor and materials ) that went into coming up with the designs that they did. Obviously, there are those that have profited from this "shared" and "public" info with some folks even starting companies to make these products and / or parts available. I know that Kevin was selling Bob Crump's cord, Wayne at Bolder Cables is offering Jon's designs, Steve Rochlin's digital cable and probably some of Chris' too. I'm not sure about that, but i don't doubt it one bit.
Obviously, Ernie has jumped into the ring too, but done so in a different manner. Whereas all of the others have basically listed / given credit to the designers at one point in time, i don't think that Ernie has done so. As such, i can somewhat understand where Chris is coming from, even though he has seen fit to make such designs public domain. So, if "fair is fair" and nobody is worried about payment for design work or someone else making profit off of buying and assembling the parts to further the spread and use of such a design, i can see an easy way out of this whole controversy. I'm not going to spell it out, but it should be pretty obvious to those involved from where i'm sitting. Sean
Prior to Chris talking about these specific materials for use in power cords, i don't know of anyone that had publicly used or recommended these specific Belden products for use as AC power cords. If anyone had done so, i would say that it "might" have been Jon Risch and his comments "might be" to try the Belden designs in stock form. To be quite honest, i'm not sure about that and i simply included that as i know that Jon is both a BIG fan of Belden products and of Teflon dielectric. As such, it would not have been "impossible" for him to have suggested such a use for these cables. I don't think that Chris has anything to hide and would give credit where credit is due. That is, IF Jon had come up with the idea or helped him out in any way.
With that in mind, the "modified" Belden designs, as far as i know, are the intellectual properties of Chris. Whether or not Chris can claim any type of legal or proprietary rights to these designs is another story. I do know that using someone else's name to sell a product that you make or market would be considered an endorsement and probably require some type of contract to do so. I don't know if Ernie has ever actually labeled these as "parts kits for Chris VH's cables" though.
Having said that, i have mentioned these cords on a few occasions and done so stating that they work in a very positive manner. In doing so, i have included links to Chris' website AND on a few occassions, mentioned that Ernie was selling parts / kits to make these or very similar cords. I never meant to infer that that these were Ernie's designs, only that he did have access to parts for such designs and was offering them in kit form and making them available to the public.
Out of all of this, all i can say is that Chris, Jon Risch and Bob Crump have been VERY kind and helpful by sharing their designs and making them public knowledge. All three have done so without asking for ANY type of compensation for the R&D ( which can eat up a LOT of time, labor and materials ) that went into coming up with the designs that they did. Obviously, there are those that have profited from this "shared" and "public" info with some folks even starting companies to make these products and / or parts available. I know that Kevin was selling Bob Crump's cord, Wayne at Bolder Cables is offering Jon's designs, Steve Rochlin's digital cable and probably some of Chris' too. I'm not sure about that, but i don't doubt it one bit.
Obviously, Ernie has jumped into the ring too, but done so in a different manner. Whereas all of the others have basically listed / given credit to the designers at one point in time, i don't think that Ernie has done so. As such, i can somewhat understand where Chris is coming from, even though he has seen fit to make such designs public domain. So, if "fair is fair" and nobody is worried about payment for design work or someone else making profit off of buying and assembling the parts to further the spread and use of such a design, i can see an easy way out of this whole controversy. I'm not going to spell it out, but it should be pretty obvious to those involved from where i'm sitting. Sean