Fav Consecutive Albums by An Artist

There are periods where an artist or a group reach a creative peak and release a series of consecutive albums that are all masterpieces. These are an artists' Golden Age. Just curious, but what do you consider the golden age records of your favorite artists. Must be consecutive and "Greatest Hits" not allowed.

My fav is Stevie Wonder from:

Music of the Mind
Talking Book
Forfillingness First Finale
Songs In the Key of Life

Five incredible albums in four years.
The first thing that came to mind was a band called "Wire" from the UK. They were a highly influential "underground" band that many punk, metal and "college artists" took to heart. Some referred to them as the "Pink Floyd of punk rock". Michael Stipe of REM once said that if it was not for Wire, he would have never wanted to be in a band.

Their first three albums are great and are probably my favorite of all time. The recordings really must be listened to in the order that they were released to fully understand the transition that took place within this band. Their album titles in order of release were as follows:

Pink Flag
Chairs Missing

The band split up and splintered into different directions, which were QUITE varied from one another. I had written a small novel on the band and the various recording efforts that came out of the various members, but i'll spare you my "enthusiasm" for this group. I would also add that these recordings sound FAR better on vinyl than on CD as something must have gotten lost in the "mastering". That "raw edge" just doesn't come across on digital : ) Sean
Rolling Stones:

Beggar's Banquet
Let it Bleed
Get Your Ya-Ya's Out
Sticky Fingers
Exile on Main Street

Hard to gainsay Audionut's list--as far as I'm concerned, that's as good as it gets. But in honor of Joe Strummer, how about this nomination for the late great Clash:

Give Em Enough Rope
The Clash
London Calling

Hey Y'all

Merry Christmas.

I like the run U2 put together:

Live/Under A Blood Red Sky (one of the most powerful live performances I've heard. The raw energy is captured quite vividly on this disc, although it is not a very good recording).
The Unforgettable Fire
The Joshua Tree

I would also like to second the mention of The Dave Mathews Band. I've just become acquainted with their music this year and they are nothing short of brilliant. I think he is an outstanding singer/songwriter. I love all of his albums and use them as part of my reference recordings when I test/audition gear, especially the album Crash.......John