What digital cable between levinson 360s and 37?

I have the MDC-1 and have tried an st optical but whatelse is good without going crazy? thsk chucker
I use a Transparent Referenece AES/EBU between my 360S and 37 and have never looked back.
I used the Transparent Cable Reference AES/EBU 110 Ohm Digital Link between a No.36s and No.37 and it compliments these components quite well.
Deluxe, For ST Glass cables: I've tried the Krell "Full Spectrum" and the Straitwire "Stx". But are these true Quartz Glass or just Fiber Optic? They are very small in diameter (1/8")and very flexible (no outer cover, sheathing, etc.) True glass fiber is going to be better than fiber optic, look at what is being reported on toslink. chucker
thanks for the onfo chucker. :) i think that any it'd at&t/st format cable is true glass fiber ???