Think i need a new cart, old audio technica?

Guys, i think my denon DL110 is in need of replacement. Its been through some rough treatment with me moving so often. I have an uncle who purchased a pioneer TT with a audio technica cart. I would love to know what the cart is, but he lives in TX, and refuses to take it out of the headshell for a model number. I figure its vintage 76-78 or so, it was purchased shortly after his NEW crown IC-150 preamplifier, if this gives any idea of age. He bought a new stylus for it in the early 90s and It ran him 150-200 if i remember correctly. I really like this cart and would love to have one. Anyone have ANY idea what it is, and if you do, can you reccomend a cart that sounds simaler to it??
BTW... im game on used cartridges, and it will take me awhile to even save up for a 300 or so cart.

I am using an oracle alexandria with a well tempered classic arm btw.. parasound PPH100 phono pre.

Thanks so much guys - Evan
Cool guys, I will look into it. I had the denon up and running for several years now. Im just ready to give something new a try I guess. Im going to have the cart professionaly checked, it may be just fine.

FWIW, IMO the Denon 110 sounds better than the AT 440. The AT 440's high end it a bit splashy and somewhat enoying.