Anyone tried Jena Labs new Power Conditioner?

It's on their website. I've heard it's around $6000. Anyone tried it???
Thanks for the links. But unlike Tekunda I'm not curious to see what's inside. I just want to replace the receptacles. Do you think opening the unit has any risks?
Muratc- While I don't think it will cause any harm,I'd contact AM and tell them what you want to change and maybe
they can do the upgrade for you.

The instruction say there light sensitive parts that can be destroyed if you open the unit, but as you can see from
the link above that total BS, because AM does want you
to see there's next to nothing inside.

Before you buy one, I suggest you borrow one that's been broken in from a dealer to see if it improves your system.
As I said I already bought my friends old Stealth, it was already broken in and it killed my PS300 right at the first try.
Muratc- Sorry I missed that, nice to hear that it outperformed the PS300. You're lucky your friend did
the break in. Please let us know how Matrixes compares
to Stealth.