Graham IC-50 -vs-IC-70 "shotgun"

Has anyone had a chance to compare the Graham IC-50 vs IC-70 "shotgun" phono cable? What would/does the "shotgun" cable offer above the "non-shotgun" cable?
I own both the IC-50 and 70. The IC-70 is the superior cable. Using the IC-70 the last several years with the Graham 2.2 and Koetsu Jade Platinum, and Basis Debut Vacuum has been very enjoyable.

A problem developed after I replaced the Graham 2.2 with the Phantom. The Phantom is a far more revealing tonearm than the 2.2. The IC-70 now sounded grainy at the high end and weak in the bass. The biggest loss was the richness of the Koetsu midrange. I’m not taking about warmth, but a very thin sound with loss of body to the midrange of the Koetsu.

I replaced the IC-70 with a Revelation Audio Labs phono cable. The Revelation was burned in with a friend’s Cable Cooker after I owned it one week.

The Revelation Audio Labs is the best phono cable I have heard; and I have tried many. The highs are detailed without hardness; the midrange is rich and musical. The bass is tight, deep, and powerful. The soundstage is huge with enhanced depth. Most importantly, it draws me into the musical performance.

The only potential problem for some users of the Revelation Audio Labs is that the cable is quite large. Revelation packs a material into the cable to reduce the mechanical resonance of the cable making it thicker than the Graham IC-70. Lightly sprung turntables may have a problem. I have no problem with the Basis.

I suspect that Bob Graham will release a new cable in the future. The Phantom exposes sonic shortcomings of the IC-70 cable not heard on the 2.2. I did love the IC-70 on the Graham 2.2

STEVE,I am happy you have such satisfying sound.My only question(and I'm not trying to be critical,or a contrarian)is after you switched from the 2.2 to the Phantom,and then added the new cable,did you,at that point draw your conclusions.Or,did you optimize the Phantom,after adding the new cable.I want to be very specific as to the fact that the sound you described,with the IC-70,seemed like you had not yet had the Phantom's bearing optimized.This could easily have contributed to the sound you heard with the Graham cable!!Thanks for the response.

Also,now that you are optimal with the Phantom,why not go back and try the IC-70 again to confirm the findings.The only reason I mention this is that the new cable you like,seems to be a fabulous buy.I have some audio pals that would love to upgrade their IC-30's to the IC-70,but can't swing the dough.
As of a matter of fact, I did go back and try the IC-70. I really did not want to have to buy a new cable right after buying the new tonearm. The Phantom was optimized for both cables in that it sounded best in the same position.

Since Revelation Audio Labs will refund your money up to 30 days if unsatisfied with the product, your friends can have some fun.

Great follow up,Steve.You will have made me very popular in my little audio circle for a couple of days.Thanks.
Steve.WOW!!Just checked out the website,too.Along with your testimonial,the white paper is very convincing.I will be looking,seriously,into this for myself,and my closest friend too.

What about a 90 degree connector,into the Graham?Is that available?Also is this thing really only 400 bucks?I'm pumped by this,as you have developed good credibility,as far as I'm concerned.Though I am staying with my 2.2 for the time being.I want to do some more phonostage tube rolling,and these little 6922/7308 suckers have gotten unbelieveably pricey!!Priorities,priorities!!Will it ever end?