Graham IC-50 -vs-IC-70 "shotgun"

Has anyone had a chance to compare the Graham IC-50 vs IC-70 "shotgun" phono cable? What would/does the "shotgun" cable offer above the "non-shotgun" cable?
Steve,this looks too cheap to be that good.However,looking at the incredible practice of overpricing,in this hobby,it is probably CORRECTLY priced.One of my accounts is a cable manufacturer.I have discussed the pricing of audio cables with the owner,who is aware of this,and justs laughs it off.He said he wouldn't dare get into the audio market,as,to him,the price vs cost of product is "absurd"!!

In my business,I price my product based upon my costs.In high end audio,it seems to be like selling illegal drugs.Get what you can from your customers.That is one of my HUGE gripes with certain very popular brands.I know some behind the scene(actually,swept under the rug)info,and,though not surprised,am beginning to love guys like Arthur Salvatore,who stick out their neck,on our behalf.See HIGH END AUDIO .COM!!

Remember that Revelation Audio Labs sell direct. It is a small operation with no dealer network, minimal inventory; he builds cables when they are ordered. Overhead is far less here than a company such as Kimber or Cardas. Also, the usual dealer markup in audio is 40%. The dealer has his overhead as well.

In the past, I was sucked up in the audiophile fantasyland of cables. I owned very expensive Transparent Audio cables. My "Revelation" occurred after I tried a relatively inexpensive cable and found it to be superior to the Transparent cables I owned. This does not mean Transparent Audio is dishonest; they are excellent in marketing their product. Remember, they are a business, not a charity.

We consumers have to use our heads and mostly our ears.

I have ordered balanced interconnect cables and speaker cables from Revelation Audio Labs. One day, they will arrive and I will be able to evaluate them. They are far less in price than the Cardas Golden Reference interconnects and Silversmith Silver speaker cables I am presently using. I have found that price has very little to do with the ultimate sonic experience with cables. I guess it took me a long time to think for myself.

Is the Revleation Audio Labs the best phono cable? How could I ever know or determine this. The important thing is that it gives me a great deal of pleasure when listening to my music. This is what excites me.

By the way, don’t you ever try a Precept AC power cable from Revelation Audio Labs. Like a XXX potato chip, you can’t stop at one! I purchased 7 of these $800 babies because I felt they were outrageously good.

This, my friend, is the pure audio hobby: Buying an unknown product with most likely a very limited resale value- buying a product because it fulfills your musical expectations.

I may not like the speaker cables or interconnects from Revleation Audio Labs. But the AC cables and phono cables have provided me with one fine ride.

Steve,one of the things I really take pride in is my own signature matching,of components,and upgrades that have been done to my system,making it unique,to me.Sure I can buy new equipment(although I am embarassed by the obsene list price of the whole set-up) more often than I do,but I have learned(after 37 yrs in the hobby)to ascribe to a certain sound,that I like.When I can improve upon that sound,as with some CAREFUL tweaking,I get a real charge out of it.I have been able to "Push the envelope",almost yearly,lately.Too many people are concerned with the LATEST color picture in an audio journal.This is a detriment to getting really good sound,IMO.Some real experience,and the ability to not rationalize,which is hard to do,can take one a long way, in what a friend likes to call"THE ART OF MUSIC REPRODUCTION IN THE HOME"!!When you have heard as many differing set-ups as I have(I don't assume you haven't)you realize that it is DAMN HARD to get a really great sounding system.Having expensive stuff guarantees that all you will do is spend big bucks.A skilled hobbyist,like my dear friend Sid,has a nack for getting sound,in his room,that can only be described as "So impossible,the only explanation can be that the laws of physics just don't exist,in his room".It is that good.Both myself and quite a few industry people have been shocked at his thoughtful intuitiveness,and results gotten.This with speakers,although modded,are 22 yrs old.

The guy has been in the hobby for about 50 yrs,and knows what he is doing.He is a "thinker"!More important than a "listener mentality", from what I've learned from him.

To me,you seem to be headed in this direction.You have indicated that you are a professional,so can,most likely afford the high priced cables,but prefer to "think" things through, a bit more.BRAVO!!Now,why the hell did my son's medical school Stethescope cost so damn much?Seems to be like the "cable"mentality, at play here!!

I enjoyed and agree with your comments. I have been obsessed with this hobby for 35 years. I guess we are becoming Alter Kockers!

Yeah, whenever the word "medical" is attached to an object, the price goes up 500%. Such is the business of medical care.

Do you notice how the audio rags that once provided good advice to us have become worthless? I guess that is fuel for another future discussion.

I got an IC-50 figuring $500 was enough to spend on a phono cable. It has those strange Bullit plugs for RCA's. I lkie it just fine