EMM Labs CDSA SE vs DCS Puccini

Is that someone who could give me sound and qualitative differences between the DCS Puccini and the EMM Labs CDSA SE.
And in which way one or the other sounds better.
Thank you to share your experiences.
Hi ours13
I managed to borrow a Puccini+USB clock, for a couple of days to compare to my then ARC CD5. The Puccini was better but it was marginal and I did not buy it.
I ended up with the playback MPS 5 second hand it is very good, the side by side improvement over the CD5 was obvious straight away - unfortunately it had some issues the seller managed to hide.

It is now fixed fixed and it does sound fantastic. It has a very natural sound, much more so than the dcs. I also had a very long demo over 2 days of the 3 box dcs Paganini. I was not able to compare it directly with the PBack. However on re-listening to the MPS 5 back at my home I much preferred the PB presentation of music. Although the dcs Pag sounded detailed it seemed to lack warmth and weight in the bottom end.

I think the dcs gear sounds a bit digital compared to the playback and I do not like all the extra, dac, clock & up-sample, devices you have to use with dcs. I much prefer a one box solution. The PB is much simpler to operate.

As I expect you know Andreas Koch worked with EMM labs before developing the MPS 5. There are similarities in the physical design of the 2 brands. I have never heard an EMM labs machine but I suspect the sound would be neater to the playback than the dcs sound.
Hi Dctom

Yes, of course, I know Andreas Koch because as you said he was working with EMM labs a couple of years...
In 2013 he has developped for Nagra their new dsd Dac,It's not nothing !

The inside parts of the PBD MPS 5 are very similar as in the Emm Labs Xds1 as well as the implementation of various circuits. So, I think they will have a very close sonic signature. Althought the MPS 5 seems to sound a bit more like vinyl than the EMM labs. this is what I have understood by reading the various comments on the PlayBack Design. Like you I prefer a one box cdp.
Now I am comforted in my choice for my next cd player, I think I will stay with EMM Labs with the XDS1.

Thank you Dctom
The Paganini has a lot of " the usual" rave reviews but when I listened to it, I thought it sounds boring. More or less like 50 other - cheap - Players. Well, I had dCS before, they were quite good but I think something happened ... the former superiority is history. I went for CDSA-SE, it is not colored sonically, excellent with normal discs...there is worse out there...