What are the best DIY cables you've heard?

If possible please leave a reference or pointer to the cable recipe for the benefit of other members. Thanks in advance for your comments.
Yes, I tried the Chris Ven Haus design. I found some things that I didn't like about it, so I did some changes based on some other ideas I had. So when I got it the way I liked it, I sent a pair to Lugnut, and also to Macrojack. They both liked them.

The Ven Haus design is a good basic starting point.
Awl come on, enough of this "starting point" tease, what's a good ending point? ;)
Actually, a good ending point would be some Purist Dominus or Venustus. I have settled on Sonoran Plateau for the time being. They were the first affordable cable that I found that could beat my DIY. About $1400 for IC and speaker cables. That's not cheap, but they do sound better. But my DIY were only about $35 for both the IC's and the speaker cables.