Which Cord Are U Using On Your Stealth?

I'm awaiting the arrival of a used Audio Magic Stealth I just picked up on Agon and was wondering which cords some of you are using to power it? I'm using a combination of Elrod PS 2, Shunyata King Cobra, Synergistic Research Designer's Ref Sq, CPCC Top Gun; Omega Mikro Planar w/Active Shielding on my various components and power supplies. Take a look at my system for the complete list of components.

Any in this group that you've found to work especially good with the Stealth? Or should I consider looking at something completely different?

Thanks for any and all feedback.
Here's what I would do. If you plug the Stealth into the PS Audio, you won't have a referrent as to what the Stealth, alone, is doing for your system. Stealth mixed with PS Audio? Don't have a clue what you'll get. And what you get, you won't comprehend, because you never heard the Stealth in your system alone. SO, plug ALL your analog into the Stealth and your Digital into your PS Audio and listen. Make sure the Stealth is fully broken in, or you're going to be very disapointed. Live with it for a nice long while. Enjoy your music. Become attached to it and experience what it's doing for your system. Then, and only then, can you make another change, and know truly what the deal is. If you love the Stealth, you may want to can the PS Audio and try the Mini Digital. The Mini Digital has an absolutely dramatic affect on my system. It's a sound (forgive the pun) practice , anyway, keeping your digital and analog separate. You don't want those little dital nasties messing with your analog. There's oodles of interesting combinations that you can try, after you know your Stealth.
I hope that I'm not confusing you more. peace, warren
Warren, as you know, I also have the Stealth and think very highly of its performance. I currently have amp, phono stage, tuner, CDP, and TT plugged into the Stealth. Let me ask you this. When you used the Mini separately for your digital, did you also find an improvement on the analog side from removing the digital, or just an improvement in the digital from separating it from the analog?

Wishing I could afford to try the Matrix......
Ken, I posted this somewhere else but I tried five different PC's ranging in retialprice from 200-600 clams from the Stelath to the wall outlet (cryoed Hubbell). I found little appreciable difference with the cords in this position so I settled on the cheapest (HT ProAC11). I did find larger differences when changing PC's between the Stealth and components. Others here will cite the benefits of using more mega-buck PC's between the Stealth and the wall outlet, and they may very well be right. I just cannot afford or justify spending that kind of money on PC's in order ot find out for myself! :-)
Dave, all I know is that I had my amp cdp, sub and tuner plugged into my Stealth and loved what it did for my system, compared to the sound before. Now, having separated the digital from the analog using the Mini Digital, my system even sounds better. I'm not going into the adjective stereo lingo. It don't mean a thing unless you hear for yourself. Adding the Digital Mini was quite dramatic. Worth every penny. peace, warren
Try leaving the digital plugged into the Stealth & use a filtered cord on the CDP for better isoilation, such as a JPS Digital AC