Here's what I would do. If you plug the Stealth into the PS Audio, you won't have a referrent as to what the Stealth, alone, is doing for your system. Stealth mixed with PS Audio? Don't have a clue what you'll get. And what you get, you won't comprehend, because you never heard the Stealth in your system alone. SO, plug ALL your analog into the Stealth and your Digital into your PS Audio and listen. Make sure the Stealth is fully broken in, or you're going to be very disapointed. Live with it for a nice long while. Enjoy your music. Become attached to it and experience what it's doing for your system. Then, and only then, can you make another change, and know truly what the deal is. If you love the Stealth, you may want to can the PS Audio and try the Mini Digital. The Mini Digital has an absolutely dramatic affect on my system. It's a sound (forgive the pun) practice , anyway, keeping your digital and analog separate. You don't want those little dital nasties messing with your analog. There's oodles of interesting combinations that you can try, after you know your Stealth.
I hope that I'm not confusing you more. peace, warren
I hope that I'm not confusing you more. peace, warren