Which Cord Are U Using On Your Stealth?

I'm awaiting the arrival of a used Audio Magic Stealth I just picked up on Agon and was wondering which cords some of you are using to power it? I'm using a combination of Elrod PS 2, Shunyata King Cobra, Synergistic Research Designer's Ref Sq, CPCC Top Gun; Omega Mikro Planar w/Active Shielding on my various components and power supplies. Take a look at my system for the complete list of components.

Any in this group that you've found to work especially good with the Stealth? Or should I consider looking at something completely different?

Thanks for any and all feedback.
Thanks for everyone's responses. Can anyone set me straight as to which components are considered analog, since they have digital sources connected to them? If an analog preamp is connected to a digital cdp, doesn't it then take on the nasty digital hash and noise put out by the cdp? Same thing with the amps. Since the whole system is a chain, with each link interconnected, how do you distinguish which is what? Or am I confusing power supply with interconnects?

Thanks again.
I'm currently using a Virtual Dynamics Nite SOL from the wall to the Stealth. I'm very happy with this setup. I'm also only using the Stealth for analog. I have my turntable, preamp and amp plugged into it. I currently am using a Tara Labs AD/6 for digital on a seperate dedicated line.

Yes, you are confusing the two. YOu've got the information, now, to hook your new baby up correctly. Lay back and enjoy. You're in for a real treat.
Hi Kana,
Man am I sorry you've had such a negative experience with the Stealth. It's hard for me to imagine. Maybe you have a defective one. I know you're, a bit, crazed by the innards, but, hey; it works. I loved mine, (and I am as picky as they come) so much that I upgraded to the Matrix and Mini Digital. Dramatic presence in my system. I know the PS Audio is HEAVEY, formidable looking, and chuck full of goodies/innards, that may turn people on more than the light weight Stealth. It may be difficult for some, to justify the price because of the size. Not me baby. This Stealth is that amazing. I'm sorry that your bashing may turn people off from checking it out. Your experience is not the norm. I am not a dealer, just a very happy, satisfied customer. Maybe I missed it, but after your laborious break in: still unhappy? Did you speak to Jerry at Audio Magic? peace, warren
Warrenh- I sent you an email on the results of the three week break-in. Yes- it got better, but straight into the wall still sounds more open, detailed and dynamic. The unit was returned to AM without any hassle. And no one at AM said it was deflective.

4yanx- The "BS" is AM's. Like the light sensitve parts inside the plastic box, and the $1.99 PC that comes with the unit. And why charge an extra $900. on the Stealth over
the mini Stealth for six extra $10. outlets and a bigger plastic box? AM's website says it has all the same parts as their regular Stealth.

It's a passive line filter. If you live in an area with EMI/RFI then maybe it will improve your system. Here on Maui, we don't have those problem with our A/C power.