One more Power Cord Needed...Advice?

Currently my system consists of an Arcam CD92 player, Audio Research D130 Amp and Classe CP35 Pre Amp.

I am running a Kimber PK10 Gold to the Amp, a Shunyata Diamondback to the Pre Amp and the dreaded "supplied cord" to the Arcam. Any suggestions for the final cord and arrangement?
Virtual Dynamics Nite.
I haven't had that much experience with pc's, but when I put the Nite on my cdp it absolutely moved the sound to the next level.
JPS Labs Digital AC ($350 new, $150-$175 used). So well known and desired, they go fast here. There's one up on auction on audiogon that closes at 9:00 Eastern time tonight (Friday). Right now, it's at $175. One closed on ebay yesterday or the day before at $157.
Power cords never really hit my hot button only my wallet. However I recently listened to and purchased the latest Sonoran Plateau from Starsound the difference was total dynamic coherence.. Tom