Cambridge CD500se as good as Planet 2000??

I am building a new system, and would greatly appreciate advice.
I can get good deals on both of my prospective CD choices, the CD-500se ($300 US) and the Planet 2000 ($600 US), both of which I've heard good things about. Is the Rega noticeably better? Worth twice the price?
The rest of my system is:
Rega Mira integrated
Totem Model 1 Sig.
Kimber 4TC/ Silver Streak

I listen to some of everything, but mostly Jazz, acoustic folk/pop.

Thanks for any informed advice.
The Rega 2000 for $600 is a no-brainer it is much much better and is a much better match for the quality of your components than the 500se, grab it before it's gone!
The Rega is different, a little more laid back. A friend was able to demo both players in his home and bought the Rega. The D500SE is still a very good $400 player.
I have listened to both, and found the Cambridge (which I listened to very carefully) to be bright for my taste. I listened with budget electronics (Cambridge and NAD integrated amps).

The Rega sounded good, but the top-loader design wouldn't work in my space, so I didn't do real careful listening.

- Eric