Looking for a gadget

I am looking for something to connect a Toslink digital out to a coax (RCA plug)digital in so I can connect to a dac that only accepts an rca plug digital in. I really don't want to get an MSB Digital Director as this is an isolated case and only involves one connection. I know I saw something that did let you connect a toslink to a coax cable. Anyone know where I can find one of these things?
There are such devices that are available from pro audio dealers and I don't think they are expensive. However, a used AA DTI or Monarchy DIP would probably be a better choice since they will also reduce jitter. The boxes the pro audio dealers sell will probably not reduce jitter.
I've used a THETA TLC for this situation. They're $200.00
new with a wall wart supply & are $100.00 used.
