Downgrading cable is a courageous move, Stuartbranson! One which I happen to applaud. I know(yes know, not think) that you will end up with as much performance as you can get from the expensive stuff via carefully selecting what you move to.
My own personal experience has shown me that a good, inexpensive cable can bring just as much satisfaction to a system. I will say that moving away from the likes of what most cheap cables are(Radio Shack and the AR or Monster found in the big box shops) allows you to find the knee in the curve. I have tried megabucks cabling, just to see if the hype was warranted. It is not. I do not use low grade cable, but I have very good cable in my system. Like you would like to do, I sold the expensive cable to fund the purchase of more traditional components. To say that I made the right move would be an understatement.
In the end, I am of the opinion that you do not need to spend more than $300 for ANY interconnect to be able to enjoy the best. I haven't tried everything out there, but here is an informal list of what I consider to be reference grade interconnect on a budget:
1) Homemade cabling. Perhaps the best overall option. Excellent wire is available through OrcaDesign, HomeGrown Audio, and VampireWire.
The VampireWire CCC is the same product as Neotech OCC(Ohno Continuous Cast) copper, which in manufactured in Taiwan by Wang Lung Industries. This wire is cast, not drawn, and it's crystal structure is unique. Instead of many, many, many crystals per foot, there is one crystal per 125 - 250 feet. This material is used in Acoustic Zen and Harmonic Technology products, and I am not at all suprised by how much people love them. However, when you see how much you can buy the raw material for, you will not believe your eyes. Yes, it's eyepoppingly low.
You can also look into Neotech, but I have had a harder time sourcing here in the USA(probably my own stupidity). I have bought from the UK with success. You can buy assembled OCC silver interconnect from UK for not much money.
HomeGrown Audio's silver is simply fantastic.
Plugs can be had in many places. I would like to say that I cannot recommend the Neutrik RCA connectors, as I had a problem with one breaking and getting stuck in my RCA jack. Others have commisertated with me that was also their unfortune.
2) HomeGrown Audio Super Silver($89). Kimber KCAG, with solid silver(sounds better to me than the Kimber stranded), at an entry level price. If you want a fast, detailed cable which works great in a rich sounding tube system, like your Cary, it's worth a try. Excellent clarity.
3) Phoenix Gold, using the OCC copper($89-$99?). Yes, it's true! Just make 100% sure you take the one which uses the OCC(Platinum Series?), as most of their stuff uses OFC instead.
4) Millersound($149?, but usually can be had for 1/3 less). The same(yes, the SAME) cable as a very highly regarded product which sells for 10X the price. A very punchy mid-upper bass, with a nice smooth sound, not agressive treble.
5) VampireWire OCC($149?). Another OCC interconnect, have Vampire assemble it for you if you prefer not to buy the raw material.
6) HomeGrown Audio SilverLace($189). Silver cable with a more full sound, excellent weight in the bass. Me and an audiophile friend have yet to hear anything better it in our systems.
7) Musical Fidelity NuVista($275). Discontinued, but using OCC silver. Fast, clear cable, can be a bit zippy in the wrong system.
8) Coincident CST($299). Another reference quality cable that fits in the budget.
9) Ridge Street Audio($300?). Note: I HAVE NEVER TRIED THIS CABLE so I cannot describe its sound. But, from all of the people who seem happy with it, it seems like something that should make it to my list here. The owner probably hates me for ranting about cable being overpriced, but he seems like a nice guy.
10) Analysis Plus Single Crystal Copper($300). OCC?
As far as speaker cable goes, I like Analysis Plus, Coincident CST(CST1 is better, but you will NOT believe how good CST 0.5 sounds at $200/8 feet), and whatever else you can find for under $500 that works for you.
Power cords - it's probably a great idea to talk to Ernie, as he seems to be the man there.