Where to put the better cable.

Here's the scenario: CD > Preamp > Amp - that's two pairs of interconnects required. One pair is much better quality than the other, so where should the better quality cables go? CD > Preamp or Preamp > Amp ? I'm talking in general here. Of course the best thing to do would be to try it both ways and listen, but there must be a rule of thumb about this.

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Try them both ways and stay with which one sounds better to you. All gear reacts differently to different cables. Also keep in mind that the signal has to pass through both cables either way.

If you are using more than a CD, then putting it between the preamp and power amp will improve all the gear plugged into the preamp; not just the CD.

My most "expensive ($$$)" cable is between the CD and preamp, HOWEVER , the cable between the preamp and power amp is the best cable for that position, even though it cost less than half what the other cost. It has better "PRAT" in the pre/power position than any other cable I've tried regardless of price or assumed quality. It simply works period...

The same goes for my FM tuner. It has the best cable for it I've tried, not the most expensive.

The "better" cable should be the one that sounds better. Forget about price or quality of materials, etc..
Obviously, (though I would go cdp to pre/ always the source) no clear cut answer here. Let the ole tympanics decide for you. They'll never steer you wrong...peace, warren
It doesn't matter a whole lot. Remember, your system is only as good as its weakest link.