Matching Wadia CD players to amps

Wadia driving tube amps -experiences good or bad?
Also is the 830 a better performer than the 850/860
since it is newer, 00 vs 97 technology
Wadias will drive virtually any amp; there is nothing about most tube amp input circuits which makes any different demands than solid state. That said, you are much better off with a balanced connection into a fully balanced amp, as this allows the Wadia's full capabilities to shine. I run my 850 into a BAT VK200 (solid state) which is marvelous, but would also very highly recommend the BAT tube amps. Both the 850 and 860 are noticeably better sonically than the 830 (not to mention the much higher quality construction!), which as stated above has been replaced by the 301 (which I haven't heard yet).
I run my 850 directly into a McIntosh MC 2000 tube amp. Fantsastic! As long as you stay well above 70/75 in the CD player’s volume. I used to have solid state monos and in that case runneing the 850 through a AR SP14 pre was slighty warmer.
The 830 is a great player for the money but 850/860 certainly are in a different league.
Good luck!
I agree with the above that the 850/86x are much better than 830. Can't comment on the 831.

With regards to direct connection, I had a 850 connected to a BAT VK200, then a BAT VK60. Loved it. Then my dealer talked my into bringing a BAT VK50SE preamp home. Huge improvement. everywhere. So, on a cost basis, the Wadia smokes it directly connected IMO. On a absolute basis, a really good preamp is better.

At the same time I added a turntable and another source, so the preamp was needed there...however, if you have the $$'s try one on the wadia...