Power cords

I am kind of a neophyte and I need a power cord for a pre-amp that is being shipped to me. I stopped in a local electronics repair shop locally(been in business 22 years) and asked them about power cords. Owner said that anybody that spends more than $50 on a cord is out their mind. Essentially said a fool and his money are soon parted. Thoughts please. Thanks in advance.
Greetings, obviously, the person you spoke to either has no experience with good power cable, or, he does not have a system with sufficient resolution to appreciate what a fine power cable can do. See if you can demo one or borrow one from a friend and see if it makes a difference to you. The more resolution your system has, the more you will be able to hear the difference. Happy Listening! John
I see you're new to the 'gon, so may I suggest using the archives both here & at AA to get acquainted with some thoughts & ideas on PC's.

Bottom line is you'll have to try them in your system to see if they are a good match but also remember that the power itself has a lot to do with the overall sound. While you're at it, try upgrading your outlet too.

While you're waiting for the pre you can tinker around with your room. Again, tons of info in the archives on these & a myriad of other topics.
Latinternational--a 6 footer will cost you $170. That's a good place to start. I used them for years (still do in fact)and am now in the process of upgrading to new ACs. Your friend in "the business" doesn't have a clue, though you'll find 'goners who may agree. What goes on in that 6 feet of cord? Don't know, but it will have a significant effect on your system. peace, warren
Try www.signalcable.com and see what Frank has to offer in power cords. $49.00 for a three foot and a thirty day refund if you don't like it. I have two of these power cords and I am happy with the results. Did I say it is $49.00. $4.00 for each additional foot of cable. He has three types of power cords.

Warrenh: He isn't my friend in the business. He is a very knowledgeable owner of a middle/high end electronics repair shop who has done business there for many years. I think for that reason alone he probably has a clue. I read where some 'goners tend to agree that it is a gigantic waste of money. I guess what I am asking is: is there definitive proof that past a good reasonable power cord, can you make a difference? Can a cord be tested with any equipment to show that it is better? Thanks in advance.