Line Conditioners or Power Filters?????

Anyone out there with knowledge of Power Filers or Line Conditioners? I am new at this and wondering if I need this stuff even though I had good A.C. Cables to connect my system with.
grab that baby. Just don't put your analog and front end into the Stealth. I'd go with your source until you can get another mini for your amp. peace, warren
I suggest you take your time, search the archives here and in the Asylum. There is plenty of information for anyone with IQ above 90 to make his own informed decisions. That is, unless you're looking for someone to give you predigested anwers...
Psychicanimal make a good point. Except that his pre-digested responses are typically more detrimental and potentially misleading than other's if not for the mere fact that his pre-digested responses often times infer (as in this case) that he has none.

Finally, one's IQ should never be deemed as a justifiable excuse to indulge in self-deception. These acts simply render others helpless or give the sense thereof.

(all those who believe in telekenisis, please raise my hand)
It's called Zen, high priest! In power delivery/noise control there are NO correct predigested answers. This subject is extremely application specific and--as usually--budget constrained. More so, usually the most cost effective aproach is related to what one can find in the used/surplus market. For a direction in which to head, a 220V/110V Topaz isolation transformer wired for balanced power will blow away just about everything commercially pre packaged, dollar for dollar. I went a different route, being able to get a hold of three Clear Image T4 quad isolation transformers/filters for less than $800 (shipping incl, $4,800 retail), a 2.6KW Xentech extreme 220V/110V isolation transformer for $80 (w/ shipping) and a 3.0 KW ONEAC CB 2338 220V/110V transformer/filter for $100 and an Audio Power parallel filter for $29.95.

Read a lot, think and be patient, is all I have to add.