Good MM cartridge

for thorens 126 mk3+ its own arm.
The V15 is smoother than the 1042. It might sound a little dull when run through tube gear. Depends on your preferences. If it were me, I'd buy both. The V15 in particular has very strong resale value so the cost to try both and sell one is relatively low -- you might lose $100 or at worst. If you have two armwands, it might not be a bad idea to keep both on hand: the V15 for bright recordings, the 1042 for more neutral sounding ones.

Good luck!
A Benz Glider would be a good choice. It's a high output MC but it sounds much better than the Shure. Only thing is you can't replace the stylus. Have send it for a re-tip. But if use Sylast it will last a good 3 years. It's also around $800. If that's too much you can't go wrong with the Shure.