Turntable Upgrade Suggestions

I currently own a VPI Scoutmaster turntable with the supplied JMW 9 arm and a Clearaudio Discovery Cartridge.
I also use a Thor Audio TA-2000 preamp with phono included and Thor Audio TPA 150 (150 watt monoblocks) amplifiers.
I use a pair of Quad 988's.I am trying to improve the quality of my vinyl by upgrading turntables. My first thought was to trade for the Super Scoutmaster, but then I was advised that that table could only hold the JMW 9 arm and was made to work with that arm. What if I wanted to upgrade to A Grahman Arm or A Rega Expressimo Arm. Would any of these work on the Superscoutmaster? I was told by adding an armboard which would allow changing of arms that this owuld degrade the sound, as the SuperScoutmaster was made to work with the JMW 9 inch arm. In short, for the $5000.00 asking price of the Super Scoutmaster can I achieve better sound with a different table and arm combination. Can anybody out there any make any recommendations based on what they have personally heard?
"Kjl: The Acoustic Signature Final Tool with the Moerch Dp-6 tonearm is a stunning combination and beats the Teres and VPI Aries for less money."

So Raul, what Teres are you referring to? "The Teres" is a meaningless statement. Have you actually heard a Teres turntable?
A Scheu without the dual arm plinth and without the 80mm platter would be closer to 2100 landed with a 12" arm. heck of a deal.....

Give them a call and chat with them. I know of at least one customer who got a money back guarantee for 30 days if he was not happy with his Scheu table. It was not returned.
If you could get the teres with the cain & cain finish that would be great! See it at Rocky Mountain Audiofest on Audiogon Show coverage.

We agree on several things, like Koetsu and Graham 2.2 for instance.

I don't agree that an Acoustic Signature Final Tool will outplay a Teres, but I don't disagree either. I've never heard an Acoustic Signature Final Tool.

I'll repeat the question Teres asked, which Teres models have you actually compared the ASFT to?
