Turntable Upgrade Suggestions

I currently own a VPI Scoutmaster turntable with the supplied JMW 9 arm and a Clearaudio Discovery Cartridge.
I also use a Thor Audio TA-2000 preamp with phono included and Thor Audio TPA 150 (150 watt monoblocks) amplifiers.
I use a pair of Quad 988's.I am trying to improve the quality of my vinyl by upgrading turntables. My first thought was to trade for the Super Scoutmaster, but then I was advised that that table could only hold the JMW 9 arm and was made to work with that arm. What if I wanted to upgrade to A Grahman Arm or A Rega Expressimo Arm. Would any of these work on the Superscoutmaster? I was told by adding an armboard which would allow changing of arms that this owuld degrade the sound, as the SuperScoutmaster was made to work with the JMW 9 inch arm. In short, for the $5000.00 asking price of the Super Scoutmaster can I achieve better sound with a different table and arm combination. Can anybody out there any make any recommendations based on what they have personally heard?

We agree on several things, like Koetsu and Graham 2.2 for instance.

I don't agree that an Acoustic Signature Final Tool will outplay a Teres, but I don't disagree either. I've never heard an Acoustic Signature Final Tool.

I'll repeat the question Teres asked, which Teres models have you actually compared the ASFT to?

Doug: The one that I hear was an all wood build, I can't say the model. I'm not very knowledge about the Teres models.

regards and enjoy the music.