How quiet it runs in the groove is quite important to me - I've got a lot of used records in less than perfect shape. Inner groove distortion is a big no-no in my camp too. The Exact I'm running now displays no inner-groove distortion but isn't the quietest on some used records.
My musical preference is primarily classic rock - so dynamics are a big deal to me. If it's any indication - I actually like the Rega Exact MM (quite a bit too...) and the Goldring 1042 if that gives you an idea of where I'm coming from.
I've considered the Denon carts - but the AT is higher output at .4mv and tracks at a lower VTF. Everything I've read is that the sound from either is great - so the OC9 sounds like the winner to me.
Any comments with regard to noise, dynamics, and inner-groove distortion (tracking) and the OC9 would be great!
I'm not sure that I do need a spacer Jphii - I just thought that I might in order to get VTA correct. I've got some 2mm spacers coming from Red Trumpet though so I'll have them if need be.
My musical preference is primarily classic rock - so dynamics are a big deal to me. If it's any indication - I actually like the Rega Exact MM (quite a bit too...) and the Goldring 1042 if that gives you an idea of where I'm coming from.
I've considered the Denon carts - but the AT is higher output at .4mv and tracks at a lower VTF. Everything I've read is that the sound from either is great - so the OC9 sounds like the winner to me.
Any comments with regard to noise, dynamics, and inner-groove distortion (tracking) and the OC9 would be great!
I'm not sure that I do need a spacer Jphii - I just thought that I might in order to get VTA correct. I've got some 2mm spacers coming from Red Trumpet though so I'll have them if need be.