Tonearm for Teres turntable - approx $1000 - ??

I have way to much time to research for components for my new analog setup, and keep on thinking about new ways of spending my budget (which keeps increasing in size. :-( )

I have at least decided on the turntable - basically a Teres 160 - and the cartridge - Zyx R-100H.

I had decided on an Origin Live Silver tonearm,(with Twl's HiFi mod, of course,) too, but now I'm wavering about that decision. I can not afford to spend thousands of dollars on the tonearm, but can probably stretch my budget to about $1000. Used is fine... Are the Hadcock tonearms (which seem to be about the same price as the OL Silver) any good? Better than or equal to the OL Silver? Is there something better I should look for, or should I just stick with the OL Silver?
Not much luck finding a Morch tonearm - Music Direct said it takes at least 2-3 weeks to get one in, and the salesperson I spoke with didn't seem to know much, either, so...Couldn't tell me how much the Precision wand would cost, etc. Also, I must admit I am a bit worried about the possible problems with all of the wire connections.

Now I'm thinking about a (probably used) Graham 2.2 tonearm. This is one of the tonearms recommended for the Teres turntable. Do you think this would be a good match with the Zyx cartridge? Sorry - I couldn't find any specifications for this tonearm so can't calculate if it is the right compliance range with the cartridge.

OakIris: Audio Advancements is the oficial Moerch dealer for USA and has a very personal service.

" Also, I must admit I am a bit worried about the possible problems with all of the wire connections. ".

OakIris: there is no single problem with the wire connections: it is like other tonearm and beats the Graham 2.2 performance for a lot less money.

The Graham was a design based on the high performance japanese Audiocraft tonearms, but the Graham people instead to manufacturer a identical copy they do some changes ( bad changes ) on it, that till to now can't correct, that's why to many Graham tonearm versions: 1, 1.5, 2, now 2.2.

The Moerch tonearm is based in the high performance japanese Highphonic tonearm. The difference here is that the Moerch tonearm is an identical copy of the Highphonic and that's why is so very good tonearm.

Is up to you.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Rauliruegas - I am surprised that you feel the Morch DP6 is a better arm than the Graham 2.2, but am glad to have your input. I realize that a higher price is not necessarily the equivalent of better quality, but I haven't read any other negative reviews about the Graham tonearms and how they are poorly designed

I emailed Audio Advancements yesterday asking for more info. on the Morch; I've received no response as yet.
On the similar subject, has anyone experience with the JMW Memorial 10? It is a little more expensive than the Morch, but is has a built in VTF control, an add-on with Morch, and $200 from Chris.

A good friend has recommended it to me, but I was leaning to the Morch, over Hadcock. Now I have not spent the time to consider compatibility, I assumed that the JMW would match with my Grados and future lower compliance choices, but I will have to find out.

I have both a JMW-10 and a Moerch DP-6. The Moerch has the 12" arm wand (Red). I have used both arms on my Galibier and, prior to that, my Thorens 124. Both are very nice tonearms. The Moerch has a cleaner, more detailed, more nimble sound. The VPI tends to be somewhat richer and a bit opaque in comparison. At least with the cables I tried.
