Tonearm for Teres turntable - approx $1000 - ??

I have way to much time to research for components for my new analog setup, and keep on thinking about new ways of spending my budget (which keeps increasing in size. :-( )

I have at least decided on the turntable - basically a Teres 160 - and the cartridge - Zyx R-100H.

I had decided on an Origin Live Silver tonearm,(with Twl's HiFi mod, of course,) too, but now I'm wavering about that decision. I can not afford to spend thousands of dollars on the tonearm, but can probably stretch my budget to about $1000. Used is fine... Are the Hadcock tonearms (which seem to be about the same price as the OL Silver) any good? Better than or equal to the OL Silver? Is there something better I should look for, or should I just stick with the OL Silver?
By the way, does the Moerch DP6 come with a phono cable or do you have to buy one for it? And, if you do need to buy one, what is recommended? (I don't even know if the Moerch has a DIN connector or RCAs or... at the tonearm end. :-o)
I can't afford more than about $150 for the cable, so please be gentle!

Dear OakIris: The one that I buy from Audio Advancement comes with phono cable. Yes, the conector is DIN 5 to RCA.

Great choice. You will be very happy.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks, Raul. I'm glad I won't need to spend extra $$ for a phono cable - and I'm also glad to know what sort of cable connector the DP6 has.

Holly: Before you mount the cartridge on the DP6 tonearm you have to burn in the internal wires and phono cable. You can do it by conecting the phono cables directly to the output of your CD player and play for a week a CD that has a burnin track like the XLO/Sheffield one. If you don't have this kind of CD, my advise is that buy the Soundtrack of Gladiator CD and play continously for a week before you mount and play your cartridge.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Is there any risk that the high output voltage of a CDP could damage some phono cables? Obviously they're designed to carry 1/10th the voltage or even less.

I don't know, just asking...