Best cable to use with meridian 508.24?

I use one meridian 508.24 with one pre bat vk5i, the power is mccormack dna dlx and speakers are dynaudio contour 1.8 mk2 . I would like to know wich interconecter cable I should use with meridian 508.24 and the bat.
Try Acoustic Zen Silver Reference or Harmonic Technology Prosilway II or III. Either cable works well. I'm sure they're many others. Everyone has their favorite. But synergy is the key and I know from experience these work well with your equipment.
Meridian uses Van Den Hul cables. I really like the JPS Superconductor interconnect. It lists for about 300. It sounds very natural.
I use Harmonic Technology Prosilway II XLR balanced ICs with my 508.24 into a Krell KCT with excellent results. Very evenly balanced overall with great air and superb dynamics and tight, extended bass.