WEL -- Wife Equivalent Language

All in the name of fun...

Let's agree, for sake of argument, that our hobby is 100% meritorious and therefore deserving of it's central role in our family spending patterns (both in terms of time and money)! Afterall, it's a gospel truth - we know it and can feel it deep in our hearts - hallelujha - that the world revolves around sound, and there is no sweeter sound than the one produced by our latest tweek.

Yet, try as we may to convince her, she just doesn't seem to get it. Communication is the key! Yes, it's the key to maintaining that healthy balance between our love for her and our love to hear (those sweet sounds that matter little to her ear). In this regard, I'd be interested in knowing what your favorite WEL buzz terms (and other WEL expressions) are when discussing all things audio with her. Here are some of my favorites:

Cables and interconnects - "wires and plugs"
Line conditioner (especially an expensive one) - "power box"
Electrostatic transducer - "sound radiator"

I'm still working on a WEL term that will explain the check I just wrote for my new DAC...
Well, being that my wife is a scientist (at least that's her job description) we are extremely technical about these terms. So let me try & be as accurate as possible. I first must preface my system by saying there is only one blue LED on at anytime except when putting a CD in. The CD display will show for a few seconds but I have it set on no display. The blue LED is on the pre amp. The following is a typical interaction if she wants to put a CD on.

Flip that silver switch up. "This one?" Yep. OK, now push the first button on the CD player.(She puts CD in) OK, now push it again. Now push the next one. Yeah, with the little arrow. Like a greater than sign. Now turn the volume up. On the pre amp. That black thing. "They're all black". The one with the blue light. "This one?" Yeah. Turn the knob to the right. The knob on the end. The other end. Yep. That's all there is to it.

This is a good thing. At least she wants to play a CD on it.
I try to couch everything in language she will understand and bond with. Usually that entails analogies to the latest Prada styles.